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Editor as native component

We provide a way to render native components as editor.


You can access close and save callbacks in properties. Check editor and EditorCtr type for more.


// App.vue

<script lang="ts" setup>
 * This is an example of a Vue3 component using Revogrid
import { provide, readonly, ref } from 'vue';
 * Import Revogrid, Renderer and Editor for Vue
import Grid, { VGridVueEditor, Editors } from '@revolist/vue3-datagrid';

import Editor from './Editor.vue';

const count = ref(0)
provide('read-only-count', readonly(count));

const MY_EDITOR = 'custom-editor';
// Vue column editor register
const gridEditors: Editors = { [MY_EDITOR]: VGridVueEditor(Editor) };
// Define columns
const columns = [
    prop: 'name',
    name: 'First',
    // editor type
    editor: MY_EDITOR,
// Define source
const source = [
    name: '1',
    details: 'Item 1',

// For testing events
function testCustomCellAction(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('Custom cell action', e);
function testAction(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('Editor action', e);

Editor Component

// Editor.vue
  <button @click="onBtn">Finish edit</button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineProps, ref, inject } from "vue";
import { EditorType } from "@revolist/vue3-datagrid";

const props = defineProps<EditorType>();

function onBtn(e: MouseEvent) {
  // create and dispatch event
  const event = new CustomEvent("cell", {
    bubbles: true,
    detail: { row: this.model },

  if (typeof this.close === "function") {
    (this.close as () => void)();

Edit RG Editor (Vue 3 Composition api)

Revogrid is a MIT-licensed open source library made by Revolist OU.