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Vue 2 Data Grid Editor

RevoGrid provides a way to render native components as editor.


You can access close and save callbacks in properties. Check editor and EditorCtr type for more.


// App.vue

    <!-- Use the VGrid component and bind the data source and columns -->
    <v-grid :source="rows" :columns="columns" />

import VGrid, { VGridVueEditor } from '@revolist/vue-datagrid' // Import the VGrid component
import Editor from './Editor.vue' // Custom editor template
const MY_EDITOR = 'custom-editor'

export default {
    name: 'App',
    data() {
        return {
            // Define the columns for the grid
            columns: [
                  prop: 'name',
                  name: 'First',
                  editor: MY_EDITOR, // Use the custom editor
            // Define the data source for the grid
            rows: [{ name: '1', details: 'Item 1' }],
            gridEditors: { [MY_EDITOR]: Editor },
    components: {
        VGrid, // Register the VGrid component


// Editor.vue
    <button @click="onBtn">Finish edit</button>
<script lang="ts">
export default {
    props: ['rowIndex', 'model', 'save', 'close'],
    methods: {
        onBtn(e: MouseEvent) {
            const event = new CustomEvent('cell', {
                bubbles: true,
                detail: { row: this.model },
            if (typeof this.close === 'function') {
                (this.close as () => void)()

How to sample

Edit RG Editor (Vue 2)

Check out our Vue Data Grid examples