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RevoGrid Documentation v4.12.7 / SelectionStoreState

Type Alias: SelectionStoreState

type SelectionStoreState: {
  edit: EditCellStore | null;
  focus: Cell | null;
  lastCell: Cell | null;
  nextFocus: Cell | null;
  range: RangeArea | null;
  tempRange: RangeArea | null;
  tempRangeType: string | null;

Represents the state of the selection store. It contains information about the selection range, temporary range, focused cell, editing cell, last focused cell, and next cell to focus.

Type declaration

NameTypeDescriptionDefined in
editEditCellStore | nullEditing cell storesrc/types/selection.ts:37
focusCell | nullFocused cell coordinatesrc/types/selection.ts:33
lastCellCell | nullLast cell which was focusedsrc/types/selection.ts:41
nextFocusCell | nullNext cell to focussrc/types/selection.ts:45
rangeRangeArea | null-src/types/selection.ts:21
tempRangeRangeArea | nullTemporary range selection areasrc/types/selection.ts:25
tempRangeTypestring | nullType of the temporary range selectionsrc/types/selection.ts:29

Defined in
