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RevoGrid Documentation v4.12.1 / InitialHeaderClick

Type Alias: InitialHeaderClick

type InitialHeaderClick: {
  column: ColumnRegular;
  index: number;
  originalEvent: MouseEvent;
  providers: Providers<DimensionCols | "rowHeaders">;

InitialHeaderClick represents the information needed to handle a click event on the initial column header.

Type declaration

NameTypeDescriptionDefined in
columnColumnRegularThe column that was clicked.src/types/interfaces.ts:499
indexnumberThe index of the column header that was clicked.src/types/interfaces.ts:491
originalEventMouseEventThe original mouse event that triggered the click.src/types/interfaces.ts:495
providersProviders<DimensionCols | "rowHeaders">-src/types/interfaces.ts:500

Defined in
