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RevoGrid Documentation v4.12.7 / DataSourceState

Type Alias: DataSourceState<T, ST>

type DataSourceState<T, ST>: {
  groupingDepth: number;
  groups: Record<any, any>;
  items: number[];
  proxyItems: number[];
  source: T[];
  trimmed: Record<any, any>;
  type: ST;

Type Parameters

Type Parameter
T extends DataType | ColumnRegular
ST extends DimensionRows | DimensionCols

Type declaration

NameTypeDescriptionDefined in
groupingDepthnumberGrouping informationsrc/types/interfaces.ts:585
groupsRecord<any, any>-src/types/interfaces.ts:586
itemsnumber[]List of indices for visible items in the gridsrc/types/interfaces.ts:572
proxyItemsnumber[]List of indices for visible items in the grid, even if they are trimmed Update this collection if you want to change items ordersrc/types/interfaces.ts:577
sourceT[]Actual data arraysrc/types/interfaces.ts:581
trimmedRecord<any, any>Info for trimming or filtering the data, to hide entities from visible data sourcesrc/types/interfaces.ts:594
typeSTDimension type, can be rows or columns depending on contextsrc/types/interfaces.ts:590

Defined in
