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RevoGrid Documentation v4.13.2 / JSX / RevogrEdit

Interface: RevogrEdit

Represents a cell editor in a grid. It manages the editing of cells by handling events, saving data, rendering the editor UI, and managing the lifecycle of the editor instance.


PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined in
additionalData?anyAdditional data to pass to renderersrc/components.d.ts:1784
column?null | ColumnDataSchemaModelColumn data for editor.src/components.d.ts:1788
editCell?EditCellCell to edit data.src/components.d.ts:1792
editor?null | EditorCtrCustom editors registersrc/components.d.ts:1796
onCelledit?(event: RevogrEditCustomEvent<SaveDataDetails>) => voidCell edit eventsrc/components.d.ts:1800
onCloseedit?(event: RevogrEditCustomEvent<undefined | boolean>) => voidClose editor event pass true if requires focus nextsrc/components.d.ts:1804
saveOnClose?booleanSave on editor close. Defines if data should be saved on editor close.src/components.d.ts:1808