RevoGrid Documentation v4.12.1 / Components / RevogrExtra
Interface: RevogrExtra
Contains extra elements for stencil components. Performs rendering and updates for external components.
In Plugins if you want to add extra elements to grid and use stenciljs vnodes reactivity:
function paginationPanel(this: PaginationPlugin, config: { refresh: () => void }) {
// use `config.refresh()` for component to re-render
return h('div')
revogrid.registerVNode = [
Property | Type | Description | Defined in |
nodes | (VNode | (c : ExtraNodeFuncConfig ) => VNode )[] | Nodes to render | src/components.d.ts:432 |
refresh | () => Promise <void > | Refreshes the extra component. Useful if you want to manually force the component to re-render. | src/components.d.ts:439 |