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Advanced Column Stretching in RevoGrid Pro

Efficiently managing column widths in a data grid is crucial for creating a polished and user-friendly interface. The advanced column stretching feature in RevoGrid Pro, powered by the ColumnStretchPlugin, provides flexible options to ensure your grid fully utilizes the available space, adapting to various data presentation needs.

What is Column Stretching?

Column stretching automatically adjusts the width of columns to fill the entire grid width. This is particularly useful when your grid has fewer columns than needed to enable a horizontal scrollbar, allowing the remaining space to be evenly distributed among the columns or according to specific rules.

Stretch Configurations

RevoGrid Pro offers several stretch configurations through the StretchConfig type, enabling you to customize how the grid handles excess space:

  • 'none': No column stretching is applied. Columns retain their default width.
  • 'last': Only the last column stretches to fill the remaining space.
  • 'all': All columns stretch evenly to fill the grid's width.
  • number: A specific column (by index) is designated to stretch and fill the remaining width (For example column in the middle).

Example: Implementing Column Stretching

Let's walk through an example where we set up a grid with three columns and use the ColumnStretchPlugin to stretch all columns to fit the grid's width.

Step 1: Import Necessary Modules

Begin by importing the required modules, including the ColumnStretchPlugin and defineCustomElement from RevoGrid:

import { defineCustomElement } from '@revolist/revogrid/standalone';
import { ColumnStretchPlugin } from '../plugins/column-stretch';

Step 2: Generate Random Data

Use a composable to generate random data for the grid:

import { useRandomData } from '../composables/useRandomData';
const { createRandomData } = useRandomData();

Step 3: Define Columns

Next, define the columns for your grid:

const columns = [
  { name: '🆔 ID', prop: 'id' },
  { name: '🍎 Fruit', prop: 'name' },
  { name: '💰 Price', prop: 'price' },

Step 4: Configure the Grid and Apply Column Stretching

Finally, configure the grid, set the data source, and apply the ColumnStretchPlugin to stretch the columns:

const grid = document.querySelector('revo-grid');
if (grid) {
  grid.source = createRandomData(100);
  grid.columns = columns;
  grid.additionalData = { stretch: 'all' }; // Stretch all columns
  grid.plugins = [ColumnStretchPlugin];

Stretching Options

In the example above, stretch: 'all' ensures all columns stretch evenly to fit the grid width. You can adjust this to fit specific needs:

  • Stretch Only the Last Column:

    grid.additionalData = { stretch: 'last' };
  • Disable Stretching:

    grid.additionalData = { stretch: 'none' };
  • Stretch a Specific Column by Index:

    grid.additionalData = { stretch: 1 }; // Stretches the second column


The ColumnStretchPlugin in RevoGrid Pro offers a powerful way to manage column widths dynamically, ensuring your grid looks clean and fully utilizes available space. Whether you need to stretch all columns or just a specific one, this plugin provides the flexibility to tailor your grid's layout to your exact requirements.

Revogrid is a powerful data grid library made by Revolist OU.