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Column Selection in your Data Grid

Column selection is a powerful feature that enhances user interaction by allowing them to select entire columns with a single click on the column header. This is especially useful for performing bulk operations on entire columns, such as formatting, copying, or analyzing data. In RevoGrid Pro, this functionality can be easily enabled using the ColumnSelectionPlugin.

Enabling Column Selection

To enable column selection in your grid, you need to integrate the ColumnSelectionPlugin. This plugin adds the ability for users to click on a column header and select the entire column, making it easier to manage and interact with large datasets.

Example Setup

Here’s how to set up and enable column selection in your grid:

Step 1: Import Necessary Modules

First, import the necessary modules, including the ColumnSelectionPlugin and the defineCustomElement function from RevoGrid:

import { defineCustomElement } from '@revolist/revogrid/standalone';
import { ColumnSelectionPlugin } from '../plugins/column-selection';

Step 2: Generate Data and Define Columns

Next, define the data and the columns for your grid:

import { currentTheme, useRandomData } from '../composables/useRandomData';
const { createRandomData } = useRandomData();

const columns = [
  { name: '🆔 ID', prop: 'id' },
  { name: '🍎 Fruit', prop: 'name' },
  { name: '💰 Price', prop: 'price' },

Step 3: Configure the Grid and Enable Column Selection

Finally, configure the grid, set the data source, and apply the ColumnSelectionPlugin to enable column selection:

const grid = document.querySelector('revo-grid');
if (grid) {
  grid.source = createRandomData(100);
  grid.columns = columns;
  // Enable the Column Selection Plugin
  grid.plugins = [ColumnSelectionPlugin];

How It Works

With the ColumnSelectionPlugin enabled:

  • Users can click on any column header to select the entire column.
  • This selection behavior is intuitive and familiar, similar to what users experience in spreadsheet applications.
  • Selected columns can be easily manipulated for tasks such as copying data, applying formatting, or performing other bulk operations.

Benefits of Column Selection

  • Enhanced User Interaction: Allows for quick and easy selection of entire columns, improving the efficiency of data management tasks.
  • Seamless Integration: The plugin integrates smoothly with existing grid functionalities, maintaining a consistent user experience.
  • Flexibility: Works with all types of columns, regardless of the data type or formatting applied.


Enabling column selection in your grid significantly enhances the user experience, making it easier to manage and interact with large datasets. The ColumnSelectionPlugin in RevoGrid Pro provides a simple and effective way to implement this feature, allowing users to quickly select entire columns with a single click.