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Component for overlaying the grid with the selection.


additionalDataadditional-dataAdditional data to pass to renderer.anyundefined
applyChangesOnCloseapply-changes-on-closeIf true applys changes when cell closes if not Escape.booleanfalse
canDragcan-dragEnable revogr-order-editor component (read more in revogr-order-editor component). Allows D&D.booleanundefined
colData (required)--Column data store.ObservableMap<DSourceState<ColumnRegular, DimensionCols>>undefined
dataStore (required)--Row data store.ObservableMap<DSourceState<DataType, DimensionRows>>undefined
dimensionCol (required)--Dimension settings X.ObservableMap<DimensionSettingsState>undefined
dimensionRow--Dimension settings Y.ObservableMap<DimensionSettingsState>undefined
editors--Custom editors register.{ [name: string]: EditorCtr; }undefined
isMobileDeviceis-mobile-deviceIs mobile view mode.booleanundefined
lastCell--Last real coordinates positions + 1.Cellundefined
rangerangeRange selection allowed.booleanundefined
readonlyreadonlyReadonly mode.booleanundefined
selectionStore (required)--Selection, range, focus.ObservableMap<SelectionStoreState>undefined
useClipboarduse-clipboardEnable revogr-clipboard component (read more in revogr-clipboard component). Allows copy/paste.booleanundefined


applyfocusBefore cell get focused. To prevent the default behavior of applying the edit data, you can call e.preventDefault().CustomEvent<FocusRenderEvent>
beforeapplyrangeBefore range applied. First step in triggerRangeEvent.CustomEvent<FocusRenderEvent>
beforecellfocusinitBefore cell focus.CustomEvent<BeforeSaveDataDetails>
beforecellsaveRuns before cell save. Can be used to override or cancel original save.CustomEvent<any>
beforecopyregionBefore clipboard copy happened. Validate data before copy. To prevent the default behavior of editing data and use your own implementation, call e.preventDefault().CustomEvent<any>
beforeeditrenderBefore editor render.CustomEvent<FocusRenderEvent>
beforekeydownBefore key up event proxy, used to prevent key up trigger. If you have some custom behaviour event, use this event to check if it wasn't processed by internal logic. Call preventDefault().CustomEvent<{ original: KeyboardEvent; } & EventData>
beforekeyupBefore key down event proxy, used to prevent key down trigger. If you have some custom behaviour event, use this event to check if it wasn't processed by internal logic. Call preventDefault().CustomEvent<{ original: KeyboardEvent; } & EventData>
beforenextvpfocusFired when change of viewport happens. Usually when we switch between pinned regions.CustomEvent<Cell>
beforepasteregionBefore region paste happened.CustomEvent<any>
beforerangecopyapplyBefore range copy.CustomEvent<{ type: DimensionRows; colType: DimensionCols; newRange: RangeArea; oldRange: RangeArea; mapping: OldNewRangeMapping; newData: { [newRowIndex: number]: DataType; }; }>
beforerangedataapplyRange data apply.CustomEvent<FocusRenderEvent>
beforesetrangeBefore range selection applied. Second step in triggerRangeEvent.CustomEvent<any>
beforesettemprangeBefore set temp range area during autofill.CustomEvent<{ tempRange: Nullable<TempRange> | null; } & EventData & AllDimensionType>
canceleditCancel edit. Used for editors support when editor close requested.CustomEvent<any>
celleditapplyCell edit apply to the data source. Triggers datasource edit on the root level.CustomEvent<BeforeSaveDataDetails>
clipboardrangecopyRange copy.CustomEvent<{ data: any[][]; range: RangeArea; mapping: OldNewRangeMapping; } & AllDimensionType>
clipboardrangepasteRange paste event.CustomEvent<{ data: DataLookup<any>; models: Partial<DataLookup<any>>; range: RangeArea | null; } & AllDimensionType>
focuscellCell get focused. To prevent the default behavior of applying the edit data, you can call e.preventDefault().CustomEvent<ApplyFocusEvent & FocusRenderEvent>
rangeeditapplyRange data apply. Triggers datasource edit on the root level.CustomEvent<{ data: DataLookup; models: Partial<DataLookup>; type: DimensionRows; newRange: RangeArea | null; oldRange: RangeArea | null; }>
selectallSelect all cells from keyboard.CustomEvent<any>
selectionchangeinitAutofill data in range. First step in applyRangeWithDataCustomEvent<{ type: DimensionRows; colType: DimensionCols; newRange: RangeArea; oldRange: RangeArea; mapping: OldNewRangeMapping; newData: { [newRowIndex: number]: DataType; }; }>
seteditSet edit cell.CustomEvent<BeforeSaveDataDetails>
setrangeSet range. Third step in triggerRangeEvent.CustomEvent<RangeArea & { type: MultiDimensionType; }>
settemprangeSet temp range area during autofill.CustomEvent<null | { type: string | null; area: RangeArea | null; }>


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