Represents a cell editor in a grid. It manages the editing of cells by handling events, saving data, rendering the editor UI, and managing the lifecycle of the editor instance.
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
additionalData | additional-data | Additional data to pass to renderer | any | undefined |
column | -- | Column data for editor. | ColumnDataSchemaModel | null | undefined |
editCell | -- | Cell to edit data. | EditCellStore & BeforeSaveDataDetails | undefined |
editor | -- | Custom editors register | ((column: ColumnDataSchemaModel, save: (value?: any, preventFocus?: boolean | undefined) => void, close: (focusNext?: boolean | undefined) => void) => EditorBase) | EditorCtrConstructible | null | undefined |
saveOnClose | save-on-close | Save on editor close. Defines if data should be saved on editor close. | boolean | false |
Event | Description | Type |
celledit | Cell edit event | CustomEvent<{ rgRow: number; rgCol: number; type: DimensionRows; prop: ColumnProp; val: any; preventFocus?: boolean | undefined; }> |
closeedit | Close editor event pass true if requires focus next | CustomEvent<boolean | undefined> |
beforeDisconnect() => Promise<void>
Before editor got disconnected. Can be triggered multiple times before actual disconnect.
Type: Promise<void>
cancelChanges() => Promise<void>
Cancel pending changes flag. Editor will be closed without autosave.
Type: Promise<void>
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