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Cell as native component

Revogrid provide a way to render native components inside of cells.


If you are aiming for the faster render we are recommending to stick with native VNode render.


Check ColumnDataSchemaModel for mode information about input types.


// App.vue

<script lang="ts" setup>
 * This is an example of a Vue3 component using Revogrid
import { provide, readonly, ref } from 'vue';
 * Import Revogrid, Renderer and Editor for Vue
import Grid, { VGridVueTemplate } from '@revolist/vue3-datagrid';
import Cell from './Cell.vue';

const count = ref(0)
provide('read-only-count', readonly(count));

// Define columns
const columns = [
    prop: 'name',
    name: 'First',
    // vue cell component register
    cellTemplate: VGridVueTemplate(Cell),
    prop: 'details',
    name: 'Second',
// Define source
const source = [
    name: '1',
    details: 'Item 1',

// For testing events
function testCustomCellAction(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('Custom cell action', e);
function testAction(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('Editor action', e);

Cell Template

// Cell.vue
  <div ref="cell" @click="customCellClickEvent">{{ rowIndex }}</div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineProps, ref, inject } from 'vue';
import type { ColumnDataSchemaModel } from '@revolist/vue3-datagrid';

const props = defineProps<ColumnDataSchemaModel>();
const cell = ref<HTMLElement>();

const message = inject('sample');
function customCellClickEvent() {
  console.log('Custom cell click > Injected message:', message);
  const event = new CustomEvent('cell-custom-action', {
      bubbles: true,
      detail: { row: props.model },

Edit RG Cell (Vue 3 Composition api)

Revogrid is a MIT-licensed open source library made by Revolist OU.