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@revolist/revogrid / ColumnFilterConfig

Type Alias: ColumnFilterConfig

type ColumnFilterConfig: {
  collection: FilterCollection;
  customFilters: Record<string, CustomFilter>;
  disableDynamicFiltering: boolean;
  filterProp: string;
  include: string[];
  localization: FilterLocalization;
  multiFilterItems: MultiFilterItem;

Filter configuration for a column. This is the type of the filter property on a column.

Type declaration

NameTypeDescriptionDefined in
collectionFilterCollectionThe collection of filters to be applied to the column.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:68
customFiltersRecord<string, CustomFilter>A mapping of custom filter names to custom filter functions.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:76
disableDynamicFilteringbooleanWhether or not to disable dynamic filtering. If set to true, the filter will only be applied when the user clicks on the filter button.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:93
filterPropstringThe property on the column idintifying which has the filter is applied.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:80
includestring[]The names of the filters to be included in the filter dropdown.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:72
localizationFilterLocalizationThe localization for the filter dropdown.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:84
multiFilterItemsMultiFilterItemInformation about the multi-filter items.src/plugins/filter/filter.types.ts:88

Defined in


Revogrid is a MIT-licensed open source library made by Revolist OU.