Cell Properties Type: PropertiesFunc
What are cell properties in RevoGrid. You can add various properties to cells, including tags, styles, classes, and events like onClick
Adding Custom Properties
You can customize cells by defining properties within the cellProperties
function. This function allows you to dynamically assign styles, classes, and events based on the cell's data.
Here's an example of how to use cellProperties
to add custom styles, classes, and events to cells:
const columns = [{
name: 'Person Name',
prop: 'name',
// Apply custom properties
cellProperties: ({prop, model, data, column}) => {
return {
// Custom styles
style: {
color: model[prop] === 'John Doe' ? 'red' : 'black'
// Custom classes
class: {
'bank': data.isBankCustomer,
'vip': data.isVIP
// Custom events
onClick: (event) => {
console.log(`Cell clicked: ${model[prop]}`);
// Custom attributes (tags)
attributes: {
'data-tooltip': model[prop]
const items = [
{ name: 'John Doe', isBankCustomer: true, isVIP: false },
{ name: 'Jane Smith', isBankCustomer: false, isVIP: true }
// Applying the columns and data source to the grid
grid.columns = columns;
grid.source = items;