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Build next level apps as a Pro

Check our features

Pro Lite
12.5 $ / month / dev
Billed annually at 150$ / dev
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Pro Advanced AI
30 $ / month / dev
Billed annually at 360$ / dev
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Data Management & Pivot
Tree Data
Master Detail
Smart Data Auto Fill
Audit Trail History
Dynamic Cell Formats
Text Format
Checkbox Format
Large Text Format
Number Format
Date Format
Selection Format
Heat & Cool Maps
Chart Format
Progress Line
Progress Line with Value
Bar Chart
Rating Star
Pie Chart
Column Features
Column Spanning
Column Selection
Column Type Icons
Column Header Summary
Column Stretching
Last Column Stretch
Column Groups
Column Resizing
Column Autosizing
Column Ordering
Column Pinning
Row Features
Row Spanning
Row Grouping
Row Grouping with drag to panel
Row Odd Plugin
Row Transpose
Row Height
Row Reordering
Multiple Row Reordering
Row Pinning
Selection Features
Row Selection and Check
Cell Range Selection
Fill Handle
Filtering Features
Header Filters
Quick Filter (Search)
Slider Filter
Selection Filter
Column Filters
Multi Column Filters
Editing Features
Row Editing
Cell Tooltips
Flashing Cells
Cell Editing
Import & Export
Excel Export
Drag & Drop Import
Clipboard Operations
Clipboard JSON
CSV Export
Rendering Features
Column Virtualization
Row Virtualization
AI Agent Support
Support via GitHub
Support via Email
Event Manager
Context Menu

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Frequently asked questions

How many developer licenses do I need?

The number of licenses required must match the maximum number of concurrent developers contributing to the front-end code.


  • Example 1: A project has 3 front-end developers and 10 back-end developers. If only the 3 front-end developers work with RevoGrid Pro, you need 3 licenses.

  • Example 2: A UI team with 2 front-end developers uses RevoGrid Pro as part of a shared library for multiple apps. If the apps have 5 and 3 front-end developers, you will need 10 licenses (2 + 5 + 3).

For more details, refer to the relevant clause in the EULA.

Am I allowed to use the product after the update entitlement expires?

Yes, you can continue using the product in production environments after the update entitlement expires.


  • You need an active subscription to continue development.
  • Updates, new features, and technical support require a valid subscription.

To renew, contact sales.

Do developers have to be named?

No. Licenses are transferable between developers when team members join or leave projects.

We trust that your team will not exceed the number of licensed developers.

What is the policy on redistributing the software?

RevoGrid Pro licenses are royalty-free for:

  • Internal company solutions.
  • Hosted applications.
  • Commercial solutions deployed to end users.

If sublicensing is needed, it must be part of a larger work, and sublicenses must follow the same EULA terms.


  • Example 1: Agency ‘A’ builds apps for two clients and sublicenses RevoGrid components. No extra fee is needed if the apps are used without source modification.

  • Example 2: If clients modify the application themselves, they must purchase their own licenses.

For custom use cases or licensing concerns, please contact sales.

Do you offer discounts to educational and non-profit organizations?

Yes, we offer a 50% discount for students, instructors, non-profits, and charities.

To qualify:

  • Provide proof of affiliation (e.g., an email from an official account).

Contact sales to apply.

Why must we license developers not using the software directly?

All developers contributing to a project using RevoGrid Pro must be licensed, even if they only use it indirectly (e.g., via a wrapper library).

This ensures fair licensing and helps teams comply easily. The per-developer price is adjusted to account for this broader requirement. Learn more in the EULA.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need support, reach out: